
DM: Royal hunk Prince William was a big hit with the elderly women in Wales

Here are more photos of Prince William and Kate in Cardiff on Tuesday, where they did multiple “events” to celebrate Black History Month. It was so funny to see so many comments about William’s appearance because, honestly, I barely paid attention. I rarely pay attention to Peg when Kate and her gopher wig are stealing his thunder. But sure, let’s talk about his style for a second, especially given the fact that William has a “new dresser” who helps pick out his clothes or something. The man needs a dramatic update but I don’t think that “chocolate single-breast, slim-cut blazers and cheesy knit ties” are the answer. The suede booties were an interesting change, and by that I mean it looks like he cruises for strange down by the river. He looks like a 50-year-old man desperately trying to look cool and hip. Speaking of, the Daily Mail busiest themselves with Kensington Palace’s dictate about how Peg is a “hunk” and all of the ladies love him. This is like the fourth time the Mail has tried to make fetch happen in the past month.

The Prince of Wales sealed his reputation as a ‘royal hunk’ today, after scores of female fans queued up to hug him. William, accompanied by his fortunately easy-going wife, was mobbed by well-wishers but cheekily told them: ‘I draw the line at kissing!’

The couple were on a visit to Cardiff to mark Black History Month, where they met with Caribbean elders. It was serious subject matter and the future king certainly wasn’t expecting to unleash his inner flirt until he found himself faced with a queue of very tactile ladies. As he chatted to Roma Taylor, 79, the founder of Windrush Cymru Elders, she became the first of a long line of women demand a hug from the prince, 41. ‘It was long one!’ she laughed afterwards.

Mrs Taylor, a former member of Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps, turned out to have form when it comes to physical displays of affection towards the royal family. She said that when King Charles visited the Senedd last year, she held his hand for so long that a member of his security team eventually had to tell her that she had to let him go.

Karen Lucock, 65, said of her meeting with William: ‘I said, ‘Please can I have a hug?’ He said, ‘Yes you can.’ I was surprised because he hugged me for quite a while. I am in a bit of shock!’ It was then that the prince joked to the room: ‘No kissing! I draw the line at kissing!’

That did not put off Yvonne Howard-Bunt, who turned to the prince and asked: ‘Can I have one of what she has just had?’ Yes, it turned out she could.

There was so much laughter that when he posed for a group photograph, William prompted gales of laughter when he said: ‘Who is pinching my bottom?’

[From The Daily Mail]

“Who is pinching my bottom?” Why is every story about William tied to ass groping these days? I don’t want to think about that man’s ass, and I especially don’t want to think about anyone pinching him or groping him, especially not his wife (because he hates when she touches him). Anyway, the way these women were carrying on… lordy. My theory (which I’ve shared before) is that William and Kate appeal to seniors, Kate especially. Older folks think Kate is cute and child-like, and they think William is a “flirt” (when really he’s just awkward and desperate). Will and Kate’s generational peers understand how deeply uncool and contemptuously lazy they are. And Gen Z? They don’t even know who Will and Kate are. You can see that the younger people who met William yesterday were not impressed at all.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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