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Coronation Street fans blindsided after final Stephen Reid murder twist

After two long years of tyranny, Coronation Street killer Stephen Reid was finally given a taste of his own medicine in his final visit to the cobbles, when the sinister villain was murdered by one Weatherfield favourite.

In Friday night’s episode, which aptly fell on the 13 October, actor Todd Boyce departed the soap in scenes many fans hadn’t seen coming as part of Coronation Street ’s iconic super soap week.

All week long, our favourite characters have been struggling to come to terms with Stephen’s crimes after it emerged he was responsible for a string of murders on the cobbles, along with a few attempts that didn’t quite succeed.

In shocking scenes tonight, the truth about Stephen was finally rumbled, and as he rushed to the airport to make his escape before the police could intervene, his girlfriend Jenny Connor was revealed to have thrown a spanner in the works by stealing his passport.

Returning to the street to get what was his, Stephen was then caught up in a tense showdown between several Cobbles residents, which culminated in the dastardly killer taking Jenny hostage and attempting to flee once more.

However, in a huge twist, just as he was preparing to leave Peter Barlow ran Stephen over, killing him outright.

The shocking development came after months of suspicion from the cab driver, who had been growing increasingly frustrated over what Stephen had done to his partner Carla, which included drugging her with LSD and trying to steal and defraud her company.

Following the collision, Stephen finally took his final breaths as he lay unconscious and bleeding on the street, while his horrified relatives Gail, Audrey, David, Shona and Sarah looked on.

Fans at home were loving the unexpected twist to the tale, with several taking to social media to share their thoughts on Stephen’s untimely exit.

“Thank god that's the end of Uncle Stephen though! Annoyed he didn't get put in jail but being sent flying by Peter Barlow's cab seems a fitting ending to me,” wrote one fan.

A second viewer then added: “These finals scenes Peter ended Stephens life, I can't process this, it's not happening but it has now. Omg & now that could be Peter’s exit to leave.”

A third fan also commented: “I can’t praise @itvcorrie enough! This whole week has been brilliant and tonight’s episode was seriously something else from start to finish, edge of you seat stuff.

“Fabulous scenes from Todd, Sally, Chris, & everyone involved. If you didn’t see it, catch up!”

Before a fourth added: "I did hate the Stephen story, but I enjoyed this week. And I'm happy he's gone but maybe not with the aftermath..”

Although Stephen may have waved goodbye to the cobbles, the storyline is far from over as the scenes will have "wide-ranging consequences" both "emotionally, practically and criminally”, teased show boss Iain McLeod.

He said: ”It's kind of like when you watch a movie… often the movie can end, and it's the end of the film. That's that and the protagonist walks off into the sunset as the credits roll. But soap doesn't end. It goes on and you need to have the sequel to the movie in your heads before you've even started telling the story of the first movie."

Iain then went on: "There are wide-ranging consequences to Stephen's exit, emotionally, practically and criminally going forward. With that, you need to know what the season two of the TV series is before you've written season one. So in the grand tradition of sequels, I hope what you're about to see is the Godfather: Part Two, which is one of the best sequels ever. I'm confident we've nailed this – the consequences with crimes of this scale are inevitably going to be huge. It's going to be an exciting few months on Coronation Street."

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