
Sleep expert advises best routine to get quality nights rest

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A sleep expert has revealed one important tip to include in your morning routine to help get the best out of your sleep and stay “alert” throughout the day. 

It comes after a new study found that most Brits are sleep-deprived.

UK adults are not getting enough sleep, according to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

Nancy H. Rothstein, a sleep specialist and Ambassador for Sleepwave, told Daily Express: “If you’re tired all the time during the day then something is a miss. Something is wrong because your body talks to you. We’re designed to sleep.”

“Insufficient sleep over time can lead to health complications like premature dementia, cardiovascular health difficulties, depression, and anxiety.”

Sleepwave conducted a study and found that three-quarters of those who took part wake up feeling tired at least twice a week with an estimated 50 to 70 million living with chronic, or ongoing sleep disorders. 

Nancy highlighted one common behavior that can “significantly” disrupt sleep and make you feel groggy for the day ahead. 

Checking your phone first thing in the morning or before bed can cause your brain to skip from delta waves to beta waves, which means your brain misses important alpha and theta brain waves. 

This can cause a multitude of negative effects throughout the day. 

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Nancy said one “vital hack” to help you feel more “alert” throughout the day is to phone somewhere in your room where “you can’t reach it”.

“When your phone alarm goes off, get up to turn it off and then immediately make your bed to avoid the temptation of going back to sleep,” she advised.

Sleepwave’s study found that 83 percent of participants said they used their snooze alarm regularly, with one in five using it every day. 

But Nancy said this is “wasting sleep” and causing your body to “jolt” multiple times, setting you up for a bad start to the day. 

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends all adults aim to get seven to nine hours of sleep every night.

Youngsters need significantly more time in bed, however, with teenagers requiring eight to ten hours of sleep and children aged six to 12 years needing nine to 12 hours.

A lack of sleep has consistently been linked to chronic health problems such as sleep apnea, heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, obesity, and depression. 

It can also lead to insomnia, where someone routinely has trouble falling asleep.

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