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Darren discovers Aadi's affair with wife Courtney in Corrie and plots revenge

Aadi Alahan (Adam Hussain) finds himself on borrowed time in Coronation Street soon as Courtney Vance’s (Stephanie Davis) husband discovers their affair.

Darren (Ryan Early) is a businessman and has been working alongside Dev (Jimmi Harkishin) over the past few weeks. While the men have been chatting, mainly during rounds of golf or at the bar in the clubhouse, Aadi and Courtney have been sleeping together.

As feelings develop, the risks increase – not that it stops Aadi and Courtney.

Coming up, after securing the Frescho deal, Darren books a meal to celebrate and suggests Amy (Elle Mulvaney) comes along as Aadi’s date.

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During the week, when Dev refers to Aadi and Amy as a couple, Aadi’s quick to correct him and makes out that he’s actually seeing someone called Monica.

Later on, after Darren tells Dev that he thinks Courtney’s having an affair, the celebratory lunch gets underway.

After Aadi chats about his new girlfriend and tells everyone that she’s funny, beautiful and intelligent, he sneaks off with Courtney.

As they kiss, disaster strikes as Dev walks in on them!

In the aftermath, Courtney declares that she’s well rid of Darren, which leaves Aadi completely smitten.

Towards the end of the week, Dev promises Darren that he’ll have a word with Adai and make him see sense but if that fails, could Darren get revenge in his own way after this huge betrayal?

‘I think there’s always a chance that Aadi could be in trouble’, Ryan Early said.

‘I don’t think Darren is violent but there are other ways to get revenge on someone. He can certainly make sure that Aadi never earns a penny in business in the north of England, he can make things very, very hard for him.

‘And if Aadi is someone who’s ambitious and wants to make his way in the world then Darren could be a huge problem. Very early on in his career he’s made a huge mistake by crossing someone who’s in the peak of his career…’

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