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Lorraine Kelly shrieks It is horrible as guest unveils tribute tattoo

Lorraine: Jamie Laing shows off his new Lorraine tattoo

Lorraine Kelly was left reeling after a guest on her ITV show showed off a “tribute tattoo” which she described as “horrible.”

Made In Chelsea star Jamie Laing and his wife Sophie Habboo appeared on the programme this morning to discuss their highly popular podcast, Newly Weds.

Towards the end of their chat, Jamie said: “So, I’ve done something quite wild.”

Visibly confused, Lorraine joked: “I’m very nervous now!”

Jamie then said: “I’ve found it quite strange that I’ve done it,” to which he rolled up his sleeve and revealed a “tattoo” of Lorraine Kelly on his upper left shoulder.

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After a moment’s silence, Lorraine’s jaw dropped and she gasped: “You did not!”

Jamie then laughed: “I know, is that really bad?” to which Lorraine cried again: “You did not?”

Lorraine said: “Oh my God, it’s really, really bad! Please tell me that can rub off?”

Jamie then replied: “No it doesn’t. We got it two days ago…”

Lorraine quickly took a breathe and said: “You are incorrigible. It’s lovely. It’s very flattering, I have to say. I mean the depiction is very pretty.”

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Jamie then replied: “Well now I feel embarrassed!”

Elsewhere in the show, Lorraine has opened up about the tragic moment she first reported on the Lockerbie bombing in December 1988.

Speaking on Good Morning Britain to Susanna Reid, Lorraine recalled: “It was really important for me to go back because I do think people have forgotten it was the worst terrorist atrocity in Europe never mind in the UK.

“I think people forgot what happened in Lockerbie and I just wanted to go back and, as a community find a little bit of light which we did, but it was surreal, it was like a warzone.”

In Lorraine’s new documentary, named Return to Lockerbie, she speaks to residents as well as speaking about her horrific memories.

Lorraine airs weekdays at 9am on ITV.

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